José Luis Sierra |
Brief Vitae
I got a Bs. degree on Computer Science (1991,
EUI - UPM), a Ms. degree on
Computer Science applied to Manufacturing (1992, UPM),
and a Ms. degree and a Ph.D degree on Computer Science (1995,
FI - UPM, and 2004, FI - UCM).
Currently I teach Computer Science at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
Formerly I was with the
Professor Cuena's Intelligent Systems Research Group (
ISYS), and also with the
Spanish Research Council (IAI - CSIC).
Associate Professor (Prof. Titular de Universidad)
Dpto. Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial
Fac. Informática. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Room 346
C/ Profesor José García Santesmases s/n
28040 Madrid. Spain
phone: +34-91-3947548
email: jlsierra at fdi . ucm . es
I lead ILSA, the research group on Language-driven
Software Development at Complutense University.
Currently I'm interested in the following topics:
- Language-driven Software Development
- Attribute Grammars
- Digital humanities
- E-learning technologies
- Markup technologies
- Domain-specific languages
Some of the projects in which I'm involved are:
- GENHOE-VIRTUAL: A Generative Approach to the Development of Learning Object Production and Deployment Tools in the Virtual Campus (TIN2010-21288-C02-01)
- Collaborative Annotation of Digitalized Literary Texts. Google's Digital Humanities Award Program 2010
During 2011-2012 academic year I'm teaching a graduate-level
course on language processors and PhD. courses on e-learning and
Requirements Engineering.
Teaching material are available in the virtual campus.
- List of publications maintained at DBLP.