website design software

 Z3 4.4.2-x86 + ACIDE 0.18.1 Windows 32bit
 Z3 4.4.2-x64 + ACIDE 0.18.1 Windows 64bit

 Z3 4.4.2-x86 + ACIDE 0.18.1 Ubuntu 14.04 32bit

 Z3 4.4.2-x64 + ACIDE 0.18.1 Ubuntu 14.04 64bit

 Z3 4.4.2 + ACIDE 0.18.1 Mac OS X
   (tested on Mavericks and El Capitan)

Download old versions


Windows users: Download one of the above zip files, decompress it, double-click on Z3-ACIDE.jar and enjoy!

Ubuntu and MacOS X users must start the system with:

 java -jar Z3-ACIDE.jar.

Press the icon to send the file contents for its execution (the file must be saved).

Press the help button to get help on Z3.

Select on ACIDE menu for opening the ACIDE User Manual.